Magpies and Mischief is a captivating tale set on the beautiful island of Jersey which sets the scene for a brand new series of adventures as Emma and Archie Robertson help Seamus the leprechaun with his very important work as the island’s only wild animal vet.
When twins Emma and Archie Robertson arrive in Jersey to begin a new life with their family, little do they know what lies in store. Captivated by their lovely new home, Juniper Lodge, and the beaches and countryside of Jersey, Emma and Archie soon begin to settle in. Then, one day, when all the grown-ups are downstairs, Lulu the cat tells Emma that Juniper Lodge is full of secrets! Emma can hardly believe her ears, but soon the twins are caught up in a magical adventure that involves all the animals of Juniper Lodge and their leader, Seamus the leprechaun who turns out to be the island’s only wild animal vet. But the Magic Dusts that Seamus uses to heal the animals are under threat from Tyson the rat and his gang who, along with his evil ally Mudd the thieving Magpie, are determined to steal the Dusts for their own wicked use. Just as well they all have a friend in Mrs Le Lever and her very unusual car Snipe!
Hardback 186x132mm 96 pages
Maker: Kartoon Faktory
Founded in 2012, we have been producing satirical cartoons for both Jersey and UK publications for the past few years. Now with our stock of over 2,500 cartoon images, you can purchase a range of gift products such as t-shirts, mugs and art prints, perfect for birthdays, Christmas and more.